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Curse of the Everliving


Curse of the Everliving

A Gotrek and Felix Audio Drama

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask...

Gotrek and Felix find themselves in another fix! What can the adventurers do when a daemon threatens the soul of the legendary Slayer?

While travelling north in pursuit of hobgoblin gold, Gotrek and Felix find themselves holed up in the infamous Castle Bilenkov as guests of the curious Count Viktor. While the old man seems harmless enough, Felix soon finds himself the target of an ancient Kislevite curse, battling for his very soul against the insidious daemon Ghrizzhtadt. With Gotrek's resistance to magic waning, the adventurers have no choice but to confront the eternal evil of the Everliving.

An audio tie-in to the bestselling Warhammer series – produced by Heavy Entertainment for Black Library. Written by David Guymer. Narrated by Jonathan Keeble. Performed by Gareth Armstrong, Chris Fairbank and David Timson. Music composed by Simon Slater. Running time 1 hour and 16 minutes (approx).

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