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The Way Out: Part 3

Rachel Harrison

The Way Out: Part 3

Warhammer Horror Week: Day Six

Aboard watch station Refuge, Captain Karina Arq and the crew of the Fortune's Favour face their darkest fears as their pasts catch up with them and threaten to rob them of their futures.

As all hell breaks loose, sit back and enjoy the unbridled horror that Rachel Harrison has conjured, and that expert actors and sound designers bring to terrifying life.

In the depths of the watch station Refuge, Captain Karina Arq and the crew of the Fortune's Favour have found something… unusual. Something monstrous haunts the depths of the station, something that knows the crew and their deepest fears… and can bring them to the surface. As horror envelops them, they begin to doubt they can make it through this experience alive… or sane.

Part three of three

Written by Rachel Harrison. Running time 27 minutes and 35 seconds. Performed by Grace Andrews, Steve Conlin, Matthew Hunt, Jonathan Keeble, Carla Mendonca, Colleen Prendergast, David Seddon & David Sibley.

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