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The Hunt

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The Hunt

Warhammer Horror Week: Day One

When witch hunter Bered Davan sets out on the trail of a vile contagion that plagues Ghyran, he discovers something altogether deeper, darker and more terrifying…

Explore how Chaos continues to thrive in the shadows cast by the light of Sigmar's heroes, and how the heroes who seek it out face horrors untold…

For many long years through the Age of Chaos, the lands of Ghyran suffered under the yoke of the servants of Nurgle. Disease wracked the lands, and life became an unending cycle of horror and misery. Then came light, in the form of the Stormcast Eternals, Sigmar's celestial heroes. Yet light cannot destroy darkness, as Bered Davan has learned. A witch hunter, he is no stranger to the vile things that lurk in the Mortal Realms, but as he hunts the source of a contagion, he will be tested as never before…

Written by David Annandale

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