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Veritas Ferrum

David Annandale

Veritas Ferrum

A Horus Heresy audio drama

The Iron Hands warship Veritas Ferrum arrives in the Isstvan system in the second wave of Imperial forces. Battered by the foes and forced to retreat, the crew must make a difficult choice when survivors of the massacre ask for aid.

It's a prequel to the novel The Damnation of Pythos as well as a fascinating insight into the horrors of Isstvan V's aftermath, as even those who avoided the Dropsite Massacre are forced to make terrible decisions if they are to survive.

When Horus' treachery was declared, the Iron Hands primarch Ferrus Manus sped to the Isstvan system with his elite forces to confront the traitors... and fell into their trap, losing the battle and his life. The X Legion warship Veritas Ferrum arrives in the Isstvan system in the second wave of Imperial forces. Battered by the foes and forced to retreat, the crew must make a difficult choice when survivors of the massacre ask for aid. Has the nascent war already started to claim the humanity of those involved?

A prose version of this audio drama appears in Legacies of Betrayal, book XXXI of the Horus Heresy series.

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