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The Learning

Quick Reads

The Learning

Summer of Reading 2018: Day Five

Taken from his family and pressed into service as en embailor, the Idoneth Deepkin Ubraich faces many challenges – and learns many lessons as he hones his skills.

It's a unique insight into the life of the Isharann, the magical caste of the Idoneth Deepkin, and looks deep into the soul of one such individual and the lessons he has learned.

Taken from his mother at a young age and trained in the arts of the Isharann, the Idoneth Deepkin Ubraich faces a life of darkness and danger in service to his people. From lessons delivered at the point of a knife to riddles posed to teach, Ubraich partakes of the process known as the Learning. Pressed into the service of an embailor, those aelves who capture and tend the creatures of war, Ubraich faces his ultimate test when he must tame a beast that even his mentor failed to capture. But even that is not the end of his story…

Written by David Guymer