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Tallarn: Ironclad

Novel Series

Tallarn: Ironclad

A Horus Heresy novella

The Battle of Tallarn grinds on to its climactic end, but what secret purpose drives the Iron Warriors to commit such mindless atrocities? The answer lies buried deep beneath the planet’s surface...

This is the biggest armoured conflict in galactic history, with more than a million tanks duking it out over the radioactive plains. However, no one can leave the safety of their claustrophobic war machines for fear of melting into a toxic puddle. While this story supplies plenty of action, what brings the entire might of the Iron Warriors to battle is much more intriguing.

The battle for Tallarn rages between the traitor Iron Warriors and the Imperial Army. A carpet of armour covers the surface of the toxic planet: Dreadnoughts versus tanks versus Titans. But what secret purpose drives the Iron Warriors onwards to war?

Written by John French

Running time 7 hours and 26 minutes. Narrated by Jonathan Keeble

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