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Book three in the Ahriman series
It has taken many long years and countless sacrifices, but finally Ahriman, former Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons, now exile and sorcerer, is ready to attempt the most audacious and daring feat of his long life.
It's the last book in the trilogy and anything goes. When Ahriman's grand plan is revealed, the scale of it will blow you away – and that's before the return to not one but both of the Thousand Sons' home worlds and the massive battles as the Legion turns on itself and daddy comes home...
It has taken many long years and countless sacrifices, but finally Ahriman, former Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons, now exile and sorcerer, is ready to attempt the most audacious and daring feat of his long life. His quest for knowledge and power has all been for one purpose, and he would now see that purpose fulfilled. His goal? Nothing less than undoing his greatest failure and reversing the Rubric that damned his Legion…
Written by John French. Narrated by Mark Elstob. Running time 10hrs 35mins.