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Promethean Sun

Nick Kyme

Promethean Sun

A Horus Heresy novella

As the Great Crusade sweeps across the galaxy, the forces of the Imperium encounter a world held in thrall by the alien eldar.

A tale from the heights of the Great Crusade sees Vulkan in action at the head of his Salamanders, and lays the seeds for his later doubts and fears...

As the Great Crusade sweeps across the galaxy, the forces of the Imperium encounter a world held in thrall by the alien eldar. While the Iron Hands of Ferrus Manus and Mortarion's Death Guard battle against the hated xenos, it is the Salamanders who brave the deepest and most deadly jungles, encountering monstrous reptilian beasts and foul witchery along the way. Ultimately, it falls to their primarch Vulkan himself to thwart the sinister designs of the eldar, if the Legions are to liberate this world and bring illumination to its inhabitants.

Written by Nick Kyme

The audiobook edition is read by Saul Reichlin.