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Lone Wolf

Chris Wraight

Lone Wolf

A Horus Heresy unabridged audiobook

The Lone Wolf stands alone, a warrior without a pack. And somewhere on the battlefield is a foe against which he will have vengeance…

In this tale, Bjorn, the first Lone Wolf, will stop at nothing for revenge. Through the story, he reaches his defining moment and his purity of purpose is revealed.

As daemons swarm across the fields of Velbayne, bringing madness and Chaos to all that they touch, Leman Russ and the Rout stand arrayed against them. Packs fight back to back, brothers protecting one another - except for one. The Lone Wolf, the warrior without a pack, stands alone. And somewhere on the battlefield is a foe against which he will have vengeance.

Written by Chris Wraight. Running time 11 minutes. Read by Jonathan Keeble.

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