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Children of Sicarus

Anthony Reynolds

Children of Sicarus

A Horus Heresy audio drama

Kor Phaeron of the Word Bearers and his devoted followers adjust to life on the daemon world of Sicarus. Threatened by enemies and surrounded by terrors, will they survive to exact revenge on the Imperium?

It's the continuation of one of the hanging threads from the graphic novel Macragge's Honour and fills in some of the gaps regarding Kor Phaeron.

After the destruction of the Infidus Imperator, Kor Phaeron of the Word Bearers brought his followers to supposed safety in the Eye of Terror. However, their newly adopted home, the daemon world Sicarus, is far from the sanctuary they imagined – the twisted hordes of the Kairic Adept Larazzar seek to crush these newcomers and all who would ally with them. Only in the ancient legends of Sicarus can their salvation be found, but is Kor Phaeron the one to lead them to it?

Written by Anthony Reynolds. Running time 39 minutes. Performed by Gareth Armstrong, John Banks, Tim Bentinck, Steve Conlin, Toby Longworth and Penelope Rawlins.

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