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Wolf's Claw

The Horus Heresy

Wolf's Claw

A Horus Heresy audio drama

Bjorn desperately seeks a way to recover his honour in battle against the Alpha Legion. But when the Iron Priests deny him, he is forced to seize fate with his one remaining hand.

It's the story of how Bjorn got his claw. What more could you possibly need?

Caught by the renegade forces of the Alpha Legion and forced to take refuge in the Alaxxes Nebula, the Space Wolves are bloodied but unbowed. The young pack leader Bjorn - now known to his warriors as 'the One-Handed' - is desperate to recover his honour in battle, but replacing lost limbs for proud legionaries is not a task worthy of the Iron Priests. If Bjorn is to fight again, then he must seek out new claws for himself and christen them in the blood of the traitors...

Written by Chris Wraight. Running time approximately 10 minutes.

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