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The Labyrinth of Lost Souls

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The Labyrinth of Lost Souls

A Warhammer 40,000 short story

A savagely tortured warrior with no memory awakens and seeks escape – but from whom, and from where?

Witness the fury and ferocity of a cornered warrior, and unravel the mystery of who he is, and why he has been imprisoned and experimented upon.

A warrior awakens in pain, Tortured and broken, he seeks escape from those who have harmed him, and determines to fight his way to freedom. With no memory of who, or what, he is, he can rely only on instincts. But how far can he trust those instincts? Is what he sees true, or is his mind playing tricks? Where is he, why has he been cut open, and most importantly of all… who could he possibly be?

Written by Graham McNeill

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