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The Karsharat Abomination

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The Karsharat Abomination

An Inquisition story

In an abandoned Ecclesiarchy outpost on a distant world, Inquisitor Sabbathiel and her agents discover something terrifying…

Explore Inquisitor Sabbathiel's first prose tale as she leaps from the pages of Warhammer 40,000 comics and into untold danger

On the world of Karsharat, Inquisitor Sabbathiel and her followers investigate the ruins of an Ecclesiarchy outpost. Beneath a terrifying sky and amidst a rain of blood, they find the unexpected – life signs within the long-abandoned structure. Whatever lurks inside is well defended, with subtle psychic attacks and worse awaiting the Inquisitorial agents. Even if they survive these traps, what they find at the labyrinth's heart may just be their end…

Written by George Mann

This story is also available in the anthology Inferno! Volume 4 .

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