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A Plague of Saints

Quick Reads

A Plague of Saints

A Commissar Yarrick short story

Venturing into the depths of a hive city in search of rebels, Commissar Yarrick and the soldiers of the Steel Legion face a horror born of darkest nightmare. Plus the bonus short story 'Sacrificial'.

It's a tale of young Yarrick with the Armageddon regiments that will make him famous. It's a dark and twisted horror story of the type David Annandale does so well…


Heresy in a hive city has brought Commissar Sebastian Yarrick and the 252nd Armageddon Steel Legion to the barren world of Molossus. With the inquisition at his back and a ragged force of rebels before him, Yarrick must discover the cause of the uprising and bring it to an end. Venturing into the hive's lower levels, Yarrick and the soldiers of the Astra Militarum discover a deadly horror in the shadows. Also includes the short story 'Sacrificial', in which Yarrick and the Armageddon Steel Legion face corrupted cultists.

Written by David Annandale

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