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A Cities of Sigmar Short Story
Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching creations that rumble towards the enemy, firing deadly cannonballs from their steam-powered guns. Manned by a brave and dedicated crew, the advance of these iron behemoths is terrifying to behold, as arrows ricochet from armoured hulls and enemy warriors are crushed beneath their immense bulk.
A veteran steam tank crew must draw on all their experience, will, and wit to survive against overwhelming odds.
The tightly-knit crew of the steam tank Sigmar’s Fist, part of Greywater Fastness’ indomitable forces, has known only victory in their rough-and-tumble lives of intense training, fierce battle and hard drinking. But when they are drawn into a trap by ravaging forces and the charred earth of the Ghoul Mere gives way beneath their crushing wheels, they are left behind by their retreating brethren to fight for survival – not only are the armies of Chaos hot for their blood, but unforgiving revenants also stalk them from the shadows.
Written by Sarah J Daley.