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Chris Wraight


A Space Wolves short story

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Damietta interrogates the survivor of a doomed attack on the daemon world of Voidsoul, but little does she realise the truths that await her.

The Space Wolves and Inquisition never mix well, and when there’s a dark secret to be discovered… well, it just isn’t going to be a happy ending for anyone.


As Inquisitor Damietta of the Ordo Malleus interrogates the survivor of a doomed attack on the daemon world of Voidsoul, she realises that a deeper mystery lies behind the events that occurred there. Defying her master's commands, she delves into Sergeant Morbach's account and discovers a shocking secret about the nature of the Space Wolves Chapter of the Space Marines, a secret that will change Damietta forever.

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