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Ciaphas Cain: Choose Your Enemies

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Ciaphas Cain: Choose Your Enemies

Audiobook 10 of the Ciaphas Cain series

Commissar Ciaphas Cain returns! After putting down an uprising on a mining world, he finds evidence that the corruption might have spread to other planets, and the forge world of Ironfound could now be at risk…

The self-styled Hero of the Imperium is back in action! And he's doing what he does best – revealing the true story behind his unlikely exploits…

Commissar Ciaphas Cain and the Valhallan 597th are in the thick of it again, putting down an uprising of Chaos cultists on an Imperial mining world. Though their mission is a success, they find evidence that the corruption might have spread to other planets and that the forge world of Ironfound could now be at risk. The munitions Ironfound produces are vital to the Imperial war effort in the subsector; its safety must be assured at all costs. As battle explodes across the planet, Ciaphas Cain and his regiment come up against allies and enemies old and new in their fight for victory against the forces of Chaos.

Written by Sandy Mitchell. Narrated by Stephen Perring, Penelope Rawlins, Emma Gregory, Richard Reed and Andrew James Spooner. Running time 10 hours and five minutes (approx).

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