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Spear of Macragge

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Spear of Macragge

A Space Marine Battles novella

As the legendary tank commander Antaro Chronus engages the necrons in a massed armour battle on the plains of the deadly world, Tigurius and his followers make a desperate attempt to win the war once and for all.


Damnos has fallen and the Ultramarines are cornered by the necrons… which only makes them more dangerous. Massive tank battles and heroic sacrifices ensue as Sergeant Chronus and Chief Librarian Tigurius wage a very different kind of war – for survival rather than domination.

With Captain Sicarius laid low and defeat looming, the Ultramarines rally behind Chief Librarian Tigurius to try and save the world of Damnos from the necrons. As the legendary tank commander Antaro Chronus engages the necrons in a massed armour battle on the plains of the deadly world, Tigurius and his followers make a desperate attempt to win the war once and for all.

Written by Nick Kyme

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