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The Death of Antagonis

Space Marine Battles

The Death of Antagonis

A Space Marine Battles novel

The Black Dragons fall upon the world of Antagonis, summoned to combat the plague of undeath that has engulfed the planet.

Mutated Space Marines who look like monsters fighting alongside pure and pious Sisters of Battle against Chaos... That can't end well, can it? Find out in David Annandale's debut novel.

The Black Dragons fall upon the world of Antagonis, summoned to combat the plague of undeath that has engulfed the planet. Allying themselves with Inquisitor Werner Lettinger and a force of Sisters of Battle, the Black Dragons endeavour to save the souls of the Imperial citizens who have succumbed to the contagion. But there is more than a mere infection at play - the dread forces of Chaos lie behind the outbreak, and the Black Dragons stand in the way of the Dark Gods' victory...

Written by David Annandale