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A Ghost Return

Gaunt's Ghosts

A Ghost Return

A Gaunt's Ghosts short story

Descending beneath Sangrel Hive in search of an ancient shrine to Saint Sabbat herself, Gaunt and his men encounter something altogether more sinister.

It’s rare that we get to see Gaunt before he had his Ghosts, so this is a treat indeed, and shows that the events of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade were perhaps always his destiny...


Long before the destruction of Tanith and the rise of its Ghosts, Commissar Ibram Gaunt serves with the Hyrkan regiments on the front lines of the newly-launched Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Descending beneath Sangrel Hive in search of an ancient shrine to Saint Sabbat herself, Gaunt and his men encounter something altogether more sinister.

Written by Dan Abnett

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