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Fool's Ruin

Chaos Space Marines

Fool's Ruin

A Huron Blackheart Short Story

When a ship that once defied Huron Blackheart in the Badab War falls into his trap, the master of the Red Corsairs sees an opportunity for revenge.

Read It Because
It's a tale of one of the 41st Millennium's best-known villains, the former Tyrant of Badab and leader of the Red Corsairs – Huron Blackheart.

The Story
Once, he was Lufgt Huron, the rebellious Tyrant of Badab. Now Huron Blackheart is lord of the Red Corsairs, undisputed master of the Maelstrom – and when a ship that defied him during Badab War falls into his trap, the Blood Reaver sees an opportunity for revenge.

Written by Mike Brooks

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