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The Way Out: Part 2

Rachel Harrison

The Way Out: Part 2

Warhammer Horror Week: Day Five

The mysteries of watch station Refuge unfold for Captain Karina Arq and the crew of the Fortune's Favour, and threaten to change them all forever…

It's a tale told as much through the atmosphere and audio effects as anything else, and evokes a sense of trepidatious terror that's sure to keep you hooked.

Bestilled and cut off from the warp, Captain Karina Arq and the crew of the Fortune's Favour have found salvation… or so it seems. The watch station Refuge may yet prove its name to be dangerously ironic. For something on the station doesn't want to see them board, and if they do, it may not allow them to survive the experience…

Part two of three

Written by Rachel Harrison. Running time 27 minutes and 39 seconds. Performed by Grace Andrews, Steve Conlin, Matthew Hunt, Jonathan Keeble, Carla Mendonca, Colleen Prendergast, David Seddon & David Sibley.

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