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Ian St Martin


A Deathwatch story

A warrior of the Deathwatch returns to his Chapter, but he bears a heavy burden that threatens his future.

We've seen lots of tales of the Deathwatch, but not too much about what happens when a veteran returns to his Chapter with secrets he cannot reveal... it's a fascinating look at the aftermath of working for the Inquisition.

Oaths of brotherhood and loyalty are never lightly undertaken, but what happens when such oaths conflict with each other? Returning from a period of service in the Deathwatch, Battle-brother Adoni returns to his Chapter, the Mortifactors. With him he carries two sacred burdens, but is unable to explain to his peers how he came by them, as he must honour his oaths of secrecy to the Inquisition. And so is set in motion a tragic ​chain of events that can only be resolved by desperate conflict against an ancient and deadly foe.

Written by Ian St Martin

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