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As equerry to Horus himself, Maloghurst the Twisted has become the target of many ambitious intrigues. Now he turns to the mysterious Davinites for help, before it is too late...

You just can't beat a good mystery, and Twisted delivers one with plenty of suspense and cunning. Maloghurst, equerry to the Warmaster, is searching out the culprits who have brought aboard vile spirits. His resolve to see things to the climatic end is shocking.

Since he was crippled by rebel treachery on Sixty-Three Nineteen, Maloghurst the Twisted has continued to serve Warmaster Horus as his closest aide and confidant. His loyalty has remained constant, but the XVI Legion has changed rivalry and personal ambition run rife, and although Horus's authority is supreme, his equerry's is certainly not. When a daemonic plot to infest the Vengeful Spirit comes to light, Maloghurst reluctantly turns to the few allies he has left: the mysterious Davinites.

Written by Guy Haley. Running time 1 hour and 18 minutes. Read by Jonathan Keeble.

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