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Terror Nihil Enhanced Audio Edition

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Terror Nihil Enhanced Audio Edition

With Stromark Secundus devastated by war, the Angels Encarmine send down a force of veterans to restore the peace: the Pent.

The Stromark system has fallen into rebellion and the sons of Sanguinius have been sent to end the conflict and return the system to the Emperor's light. With Stromark Secundus devastated by war, the Angels Encarmine send down a force of veterans – the Pent – to despatch any remaining resistance. But how can these ancient warriors survive in a radioactive wasteland? And why have they not been deployed for more than a millennium?

Enhanced audio editions are a type of eBook incorporating audio elements and work best on certain types of eReader. To enjoy the full experience we recommend using the following devices: iPad, Android (using ePub3 compatible software), PC and Mac.

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