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Righteous Blood

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Righteous Blood

Part 2 of the Bladestorm series

Caught between two powerful enemies, the Celestial Vindicators must trust in the Mortals of the Realm of Beasts is they are to survive and claim victory.

It's a rare glimpse at the humans of the Mortal Realms. Can they be trusted, or does the taint of Chaos run so deeply that they are a threat to even the Stormcasts?

Having survived their first encounter with the savage, brutal orruks of the Roaring Plains, Thostos Bladestorm and Mykos Argellon discover that Sigmar’s lost children have not all succumbed to Chaos in the God-King’s absence. With the aid of the tribeswoman Alzheer and her warriors, the Stormcast make their way across the Roaring Plains, negotiating its myriad dangers. Yet their mission remains imperilled – a colossal orruk army blocks the path to the Manticore Dreadhold, too vast for the Stormcasts to defeat. Between the orruks and the Chaos forces of the monstrous warrior known as Varash Sunken-Eye, Thostos and his men face two powerful enemies and must trust in Alzheer and her tribe if they are to emerge victorious.

Written by Matt Westbrook

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