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Ferrus Manus: Gorgon of Medusa

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Ferrus Manus: Gorgon of Medusa

Primarchs Book 7

With the Great Crusade drawing to a close, and a Warmaster to be chosen from among the primarchs, Ferrus Manus takes command of a failing campaign to prove that he is the man for the role.

It's not too often you get to hear about the infamously dead primarch, what with his unfortunate demise taking place at the start of the Heresy – so this should be fascinating!

The Great Crusade has swept across half the galaxy, a million human worlds now embracing the truth and reason that comes with allegiance to the rule of Terra. But even such unparalleled success comes at a cost. Rumours abound that the Emperor plans to step back from the Crusade and raise one of his primarch sons to lead in his stead. Faced with the bitterly non-compliant human empire of Gardinaal and a leaderless host of Ultramarines, Thousand Sons and Emperor’s Children at his Legion’s command, the Iron Hands primarch Ferrus Manus decides to make an example that even the Emperor cannot ignore.

Written by David Guymer Running time 6 Hours 15 Minutes. Narrated by Jonathan Keeble

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